Sandy Bailey is a force of nature, and if you think that’s an exaggeration, you’ve clearly never met her. Today, we celebrate not just her birthday, but the incredible woman she is! In honor of Sandy's birthday, let's play a little party game of “three truths and a lie”:
Sandy has chilled on an arctic beach with a herd of reindeer
True: Because she’s just that cool.
Last summer Sandy and Tom visited one of their daughters, who for reasons that don’t entirely make sense to them, decided to settle in the middle of the arctic tundra in Norway. Her daughter describes their visit as a vacation for herself because when Mom wasn’t out chasing reindeer she was in the kitchen making food for her family and organizing/cleaning her house.
”Mom, come back!” -- Deanna
![picture of reindeer on the beach in finnmark norway](
![Picture of reindeer in finnmark norway](
Sandy has birthed seven humans who are all pretty terrific when they’re not yelling “MOM!”.
True: Because she’s a legend.
We’re not quite sure what the strategy here was: ultimate frisbee team, classical chamber septet, free labor? None of those things materialized, but the kids all say they’re happy to be here, so probably best not to overthink it.
Sandy regularly gets eight hours of sleep and has all the free time in the world.
Lie: Because she has things to do.
If Sandy had a dollar for every minute of missed sleep, she’d be filthy rich. But she’d still be doing all the things she does now, like work in her garden, feed Tom, pamper her cats, check-in with her kids and grandkids, make enchiladas, give book-keeping advice, pray for anyone who wants some extra prayer…you get the picture.
![Sandy Bailey's garden](
![Sandy Bailey in bed with her two cats](
![Portrait of Tom and Sandy Bailey](
![Portrait of Sandy Bailey eating soft serve with her grandkids](
![Portrait of Sandy Bailey with her grandkids](
Sandy is the reason JTB Distributors is the business it is today
True: Because she’s Sandy.
Countless hours taking care of the bookkeeping, scheduling service calls, reminding Tom for the millionth time about that thing he was supposed to do last week, calming clients down, spending hours on the phone tracking down shipments, keeping the staff in line, dealing with every possible business related fiasco the universe could throw at them; and still, she just keeps going. Everyone who owns their own business knows exactly the resilience and grit it takes to keep a business running, and she’s kept this one going for over 30 years.
![Portrait of Sandy Bailey](
We hope you’ll join us today in wishing the wife, mother, business owner, and all around fantastic woman, Sandy Bailey, a very Happy Birthday!
If you have a favorite Sandy story we'd love if you shared it with us in the comments below!